Bazi for Horse month, June 2015. Part 1: Snake month in review. 1

So here we are for another round of predictions based on the Chinese astrology of the Four Pillars, also known as Bazi. This interpretation of the Chi of a specific month and year can also be combined with Feng Shui.

Chinese astrology Bazi Horse

The Horse Water month is a tiring one! Credit:

To start, let’s review on what I saw for the month of the Yin Metal Snake that has just finished. In Italic are quotes from my last month Bazi articles that you can find here and here.

Cinema and television should perform very well, as this combination of Yin Metal and Fire is exactly what is needed for the glamour and star factor to attract us. The Avengers 2 will continue to shatter box office records but other movies and TV series should perform very strongly.”

Avengers 2 is as we speak the 5th movie on the all time box-office list, and Fast and Furious 7 became the number 4, both beating Frozen. So we have two movies that went in the all time top 5 worldwide during the Snake month!

In the domain of new technology and communication, we shall also see some movements. Apple, Google or other tech giants should make some major announcements and I expect those to be good. The Fire Elements relate to the web and networking and all this fast dynamics: Facebook or other social networks could also make significant announcements. As the Snake is a mix of two very different Elements, we can expect some alliances and partnerships to be forged in those domains this month.

Indeed, the Google-Twitter partnership went live during the Snake month too. Details here:

We also had the announcement of a Microsoft-Facebook marketing partnership:

And the Apple Watch took over as well…

Another domain which to me will see major announcement is renewable energy: as the refined metal and fire combo is a perfect illustration of solar panel for example that harness the fire Chi of the Sun and carries it through metallic parts. Expect some developments and big steps in this domain during this month.

Well the major news in this department was the first round-the-world solar-powered flight, the Solar Impulse Two that made the news worldwide. This is a major breakthrough for solar energy:

To finish with high tech, I also think we’ll see something interesting around electronics and especially materials such as super-conductor: for the same reason, this combination of Fire and Yin Metal. I think we’ll hear about some technological advancement in that field.

I have to say that I am very proud of this prediction, as it is quite a technical one that was absolutely fulfilled during this Snake month. In May 2015, some scientists have declared that they discovered a new state of the matter that they called the Jahn Teller Effect that will lead to a new generation of super-conductors. This news appeared on the 12th of May online:

Furthermore, the University of Houston also announced a plan to build a superconductor-manufacturing institute; this news appeared on the 8th of May.

My articles were posted online on this Feng Shui & Bazi blog on the 2nd and 5th of June, for the record…What were the random odds that we get two major announcements in the field of superconductors during the same month? It’s all in the Bazi if you know how to read it…

In term of medicine as well, we shall see something major: a breakthrough in term of medical technique or procedure. I would especially look into the field of cardiac or eye surgery, but also around the brain and neuroscience. I bet there will be an innovative treatment in brain surgery or neuroscience for example. Why? Well the brain is more a Metal organ, but the rapid fire symbolizes the fast synaptic connections of the neurons. I invite you to read my article in a month time to see the discoveries this month has brought us in those domains.

And so it happened as well. The major news in this department were a possible cure for Alzheimer by injecting new fetal cells in the brain:

As well as a new device developed to identify brain tumors:

In the field of cardiac surgery, there was a new technique introduced to regenerate dead tissues in the heart following a heart attack:

There was also the UK first double procedure for heart surgery, ever:

We can expect some major protests and repression in different countries: some citizens movements that could meet with violent opposition. This is a trend that I have highlighted for the whole year and that was seen last month in the Baltimore protests and violence. Expect more of the same this month but in other areas.

Did it happen during the Snake month of 2015? Indeed, it happened in several areas. In Johannesburg:

In central London, Whitehall:

But the Snake month was also the bloodiest in the conflict involving Syria with 6000 dead people:

And we can’t forget that this Snake month will be on record for the Palmyra offensive with the Islamic state taking over this archeological wonder, a major turn for this group:

With the Fire involved, spirituality is also often at play. The Fire-Metal-Wood opposition means another level in the religious movement vs more equality, especially in the US. I predict that we’ll see more silly laws against gay and lesbians emerge or discriminatory ones to be implemented, only to be overturned by higher power eventually, either this month or later on this year.

Well, we had a minor case with a new “gay marriage cake” affair in Belfast:

But of course the winning referendum on marriage equality in Ireland is what was interesting here. Not surprising during a Goat year to see equal rights prevailing:

This Fire/Metal/Wood dynamics also make me think of some drugs: Fire-Metal can be the brain-lung relation and Wood has to do with natural substances. So I also foresee some announcements around the marijuana and soft drugs debate, with for example more states in the US legalizing it, or other countries following this example. Time will tell!

It almost happened. Texas passed some major bills to legalize marijuana during that month, but the full legalization is still pending.

In term of natural or man-made disasters, it is mostly fire-related problems that we can expect. Think along the line of gas explosions, oil on fire, natural fire in very dry area etc.

Well, this prediction was fulfilled with a major factory on Fire in the Philippines:

There was also a fire and explosion at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant near New York – a perfect illustration of Fire-related problems as the nuclear industry is also ruled by the Fire Element:

There was also Fire in the UK at Broadford:

A major one in a residential building in Baku in Azerbaijan:

The explosion of a tanker on a highway in Detroit:

But also a bombing in the Qatif mosque in Saudi Arabia:

And another one in Damman, both by Isis followers:

So droughts and global warming problems will be prominent again: the California drought will reach new levels in my opinion but other areas shall be affected.

Indeed, the California drought continued with alarming proportions such as the lowering of the Lake Powell

I expect less transports-related problems but a couple of planes might be in a dire situation again this month, with technical problems.

There was a new plane crash, from a military flight, in Spain:

And the crash of a small plane in Atlanta as well:

As you see, understanding the Stem and Branch dynamics of each month through the Bazi and the interactions with the year can inform predictions worldwide. Are you intrigued by what your own chart will tell you? Then you can contact me now for a Bazi consultation that can be paired with Feng Shui to go to the next level.

And for the second part of this article on the Yang Water Horse 2015, please go here.

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