Laurent Langlais

About Laurent Langlais

Laurent Langlais is a global lifestyle consultant, here to help you get the life you want. By changing your home and business with the right Feng Shui, predicting your forecast through the Four Pillars/Bazi and making better choices with the Tarot, you become the master of your destiny right here, right now. Contact me for more information on what we can do.

Here is my and your annual Feng Shui article. I give you here all the good, bad sectors and lucky directions for the Feng Shui of 2021, year of the Yin Metal Ox. Those sectors are largely determined by what is called the annual Feng Shui afflictions: the Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha and Wu Wang.All those calculations are […]

Feng Shui 2021: lucky and bad sectors for the year ...

Donald Trump: you’re fired? Here we are with part 2 of my astrological analysis of the US Election. I am using the system of Chinese astrology called the Bazi or 4 Pillars of destiny. Here is part 1 where I looked at Biden’s fate through astrology. Mister Trump is certainly a character and force of nature, both in life and […]

Chinese astrology US Election 2020. Part 2: Donald Trump Bazi ...

So, you want to know through astrology who is going to be the next US president? So do I! As an astrologer, I am going to look into it with my favourite tool: the Bazi or 4 Pillars of destiny. That is, a form of Chinese astrology through the system of the 5 Elements. It can give great predictions if […]

Chinese astrology US Election 2020. Part 1: Joe Biden Bazi ...

Coronavirus chinese astrology
Welcome back to the Feng Shui & Bazi blog by Laurent Langlais (yes, I now speak of me in third person. The quarantine is starting to get to my head). So here is my update on the current Coronavirus or Covid-19 crisis seen through Chinese astrology, with the Bazi system. As a reminder, the Bazi is basically astrology through the […]

Coronavirus Bazi Chinese astrology. Part 1: April and June 2020.

Crisis 2020
Gong Xi Fa Cai! I wish you all a prosperous and meaningful year of the Metal Rat 2020, again. For the lunar calendar, the year has started on the 25th of January 2020. For the solar calendar however, the start is on the 4th of February. The solar calendar is used for many calculations in Chinese metaphysics and this is […]

World predictions for 2020 year of the Metal Rat. Part ...

2020 Metal Rat year
The good aspects of the year of the Metal Rat While this year of the Metal Rat is overall a challenging year for the world (mark my words…), there are of course some good aspects too. The productive cycle between Metal and Water is going to benefit some industries. The travel and tourism industry in particular are going to bounce […]

World predictions for 2020 year of the Metal Rat. Part ...

Chinese Zodiac
My complete astrological forecast for 2020, year of the Metal Rat for each of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. You find here the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig predictions for work, money, love and wellbeing during the year of the Metal Rat. Just click on the forecast that you wish […]

Chinese horoscope 2020: the 12 animals forecast

year of the Rat annual afflictions
In this article I give you all the good, bad sectors and lucky directions for the Feng Shui of 2020, year of the Yang Metal Rat. Those sectors are largely determined by what is called the annual Feng Shui afflictions: the Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha and Wu Wang. Please keep reading to have the full explanation on those […]

The Feng Shui guide for 2020: Chinese year of the ...

Medicine Roots 2020
This month I am featured in the Winter Issue of Medicinal Roots magazine with a first insight on what the year of the Metal Rat will bring to the whole world. Enjoy the article, and I invite you to download and read the whole issue of this great magazine on here. And to not miss any update, you can follow […]

My 2020 year of the Metal Rat insight for Medicinal ...