Laurent Langlais

About Laurent Langlais

Laurent Langlais is a global lifestyle consultant, here to help you get the life you want. By changing your home and business with the right Feng Shui, predicting your forecast through the Four Pillars/Bazi and making better choices with the Tarot, you become the master of your destiny right here, right now. Contact me for more information on what we can do.

Chinese month Snake
Here are  your 12 Chinese signs horoscope and Bazi forecast for the Yin Fire Snake  month, starting on the 5th of May 2018. Here is your horoscope for the Snake month of May 2018. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Each of us actually has 4 animals in […]

Chinese horoscope for the Snake month, May 2018.

Chinese astrologie Rabbit month
Here are  your 12 Chinese signs horoscope and Bazi forecast for the Rabbit month, starting on the 5th of March 2018. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Each of us actually has 4 animals in our date of birth and the Bazi is your 4 Pillars of destiny. […]

Chinese horoscope for the Rabbit month, March 2018.

Dog sign baby personality
I was recently asked by my thoughts on the personality of babies born during this Earth Dog year of 2018. Some of my answers made it to this article: What does it mean for babies to be born in the Year of the Dog? There are many points that didn’t still, and so I wanted to offer you on my […]

What is the personality of babies born during the Earth ...

Chinese year of the Dog
Here we are finally, with my worldwide predictions for the year of the Earth Dog 2018 that has now started. To understand the predictions that I’ll make, you first need to get the concepts of the Yin-Yang and the 5 Elements. Here is a brief reminder for you… Chinese astrology: how it works. There is inside and around us a […]

World predictions for the Chinese year of the Earth Dog/2018.

Chinese astrology Bazi
I was recently interviewed by Ivy Ellerby from Feng Shui it! We discussed how Chinese astrology works; how the signs were determined; what is the Bazi, the connection between Chinese astrology and Feng Shui and so much more…I invite you to discover the video interview below. You can also find the interview transcripted in two parts here and here.

How does Chinese astrology work? A video interview

Chinese horoscope Pig year of the Dog
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Pig The Pig must understand the messages of this Dog year to be able to navigate  through it better. The year will actually manifest blockages at first; but some will  however be truly blessings in disguise. If you didn’t like the direction you were going with your life, this Dog year gaves you […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Pig

Horoscope Dog 2018
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Dog The Dog is in its year. A common misconception is to automatically assume the return of one’s sign “guarantees” a good year. In fact, it’s much more nuanced. This is what I call a “karmic year”. It is a time when you reflect on the last 12 years; if you have build […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Dog

Chinese horoscope Rooster
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Rooster The Rooster has been through a year of introspection in 2017. The return of your sign was a time to evaluate your life, and give it a new direction if needed. It could have been overwhelming at times…This influence has now passed, and the year of the Dog invites you to build […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Rooster

Chinese Horoscope Tiger
Here are  your 12 Chinese signs horoscope and Bazi forecast for the Tiger month, starting on the 4th of February 2018. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Each of us actually has 4 animals in our date of birth and the Bazi is your 4 Pillars of destiny. […]

Chinese horoscope for the Tiger month, February 2018.

Monkey horoscope 2018
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Monkey What an interesting year for you, Monkey! It is the year of blessings in disguise. While some blockages might at first appear, they invite you to be resourceful and evolve. If you are willing to do so, you’ll gain a lot from the year of the Dog, and should end up in […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Monkey

Chinese horoscope 2018 Goat
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Goat The Goat/Ram/Sheep is going through a tricky time during the Dog year. During this year 2018 you can make mistakes of judgement, and could cut yourself from people. You can however avoid having too much of a difficult year by knowing how to adapt to those influences. Let see your horoscope in […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Goat

Dog year horoscope Horse
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Horse The Horse sign is actually one of the luckiest signs of the Chinese zodiac during the Dog year. The Dog sign combines auspiciously with your energy, and you are in luck when you see a Dog year. Let see your horoscope in details. Keep in mind that his horoscope is based on […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Horse

Dog year Snake sign
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Snake The Snake sign benefits from a good influence for work and money in 2018, but will feel a bit edgy in its love life. If you know how to approach those influences, it can also be a year of progresses still. Let see your horoscope in details. Keep in mind that his […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Snake

Year 2018 Earth Dog
While the Western New Year has already started on the 1st of January 2018, the Chinese New year is yet to come. In this article I am going to explain why you should celebrate the Chinese New Year, even if you are from another culture! But first, a simple matter. When does it even start? Let’s see the Chinese calendar […]

When does the Chinese Year of the Dog start, and ...

Chinese Dog year 2018
As the Chinese New Year of the Earth Dog is fast approaching,  the question is: how to celebrate? This is particularly relevant if you are not Chinese. If you are, chances are that you will be part of many celebrations already! The point of this article is to give you different methods to welcome the new energy, get rid of […]

13 Feng Shui tips for a lucky year of the ...

Here are  your 12 Chinese signs horoscope for the month of the Ox that starts on the 5th of January 2018. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Each of us actually has 4 animals in our date of birth and the Bazi is your 4 Pillars of destiny. […]

Chinese horoscope for January 2018, Ox month.