Laurent Langlais

About Laurent Langlais

Laurent Langlais is a global lifestyle consultant, here to help you get the life you want. By changing your home and business with the right Feng Shui, predicting your forecast through the Four Pillars/Bazi and making better choices with the Tarot, you become the master of your destiny right here, right now. Contact me for more information on what we can do.

Dragon Chinese horoscope 2018
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Dragon The Dragon sign is walking on eggshells in 2018. The year of the Dog brings in the sign that directly clash with your energy. It is a sign of disruption, and you have to be cautious overall. But it can be the year of profound and helpful changes for you Dragons. Let […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Dragon

Year of the Dog Rabbit sign
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Rabbit The Rabbit sign has been through a very challenging year in 2017: the clash with the Rooster was hitting you directly. You are one of the sign that welcomes the change of the year, and cannot wait for better times. A fair amount of celebrities with a Rabbit in their Bazi were […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Rabbit

Chinese horoscope Tiger
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Tiger The Tiger sign will certainly go through an easier and more supportive year in 2018 than in 2017. In fact, you are one of the luckiest Chinese signs this year. Your affinity for the Dog and the Horse sign means that that you “fire on all cylinders” when one of them appear […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Tiger.

Chinese horoscope Ox
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Ox The Ox has been through a very supportive year in 2017, due to its affinity with the sign of the Rooster. This year of the Dog is not bringing you as much support, but is not too difficult either. You will find union in strength this year, and can have an interesting […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Ox.

2018 Rat astrology
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Rat We always open the horoscope with the Rat, the first of the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. In 2016 you had support to reach your goals and in 2017 you had to work a bit harder, despite strong charisma. In 2018 it’s a different story altogether. It is a karmic year […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Rat.

Sectors 2018 Feng shui
In this article I give you all the good and bad sectors and directions for the Feng Shui of 2018, year of the Dog. I am going to explain which areas of your house or business should not be disturbed in 2018, year of the Earth Dog, and which can be used or enhanced. Those sectors are determined by the […]

The Feng Shui guide for 2018, Chinese Year of the ...

December Rat horoscope
Here are  your 12 Chinese signs horoscope for the month of the Rat that starts on the 7th of December 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Each of us actually has 4 animals in our date of birth and the Bazi is your 4 Pillars of destiny. […]

Chinese horoscope for December 2017, Rat month.

Star astrology Weinstein
It has been a while since I looked at celebrities’ charts. Right now we are going through an unprecedented time for the entertainment industry. The disclosure of Harvey Weinstein sexual misconducts over the years has prompted a LOT of victims to come forward. Not just against mister Weinstein, but toward many other stars. It is an amazing (and healthy) domino […]

Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK: astrology of the hollywood ...

November 2017
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yin Metal month of the Pig, starting on the 7th of November 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Contact me now to understand your destiny through your 4 Pillars and we’ll set […]

Chinese horoscope for the Pig month, November 2017.

Dog Bazi
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yang Metal month of the Dog, starting on the 8th of October 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. And have you seen the other exciting news on my website? I now offer […]

Chinese horoscope for the Dog month, October 2017.

July Chinese astrology
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Goat month starting on the 7th of July 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know the whole story about your overall life blueprint and […]

Chinese horoscope for the Goat month, July 2017.

Chinese astrology rooster
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yin Earth month of the Rooster, starting on the 7th of September 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. At the moment I give you 25% on all my services, so contact me […]

Chinese horoscope for the Rooster month, September 2017.

Bazi August 2017
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Monkey month starting on the 7th of August 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know the whole story about your overall life blueprint and […]

Chinese horoscope for the Monkey month, August 2017.

Feng Shui August 2017
Welcome back for your Feng Shui luck boost of the month. In this article I give you an activation to do at home (or in your business) to boost your luck and manifest more opportunities this month. Those activations combine an analysis of the spaces we live in (Feng Shui influences of the month and the year and Flying Stars) […]

Feng Shui luck boost for the Monkey month, August 2017.

Chinese astrology Goat
Welcome back for your Feng Shui luck boost of the month. In this article I give you an activation to do at home (or in your business) to boost your luck and manifest more opportunities this month. Those activations combine an analysis of the spaces we live in (Feng Shui influences of the month and the year and Flying Stars) […]

Feng Shui luck boost for the Goat month, July 2017.