Feng shui

This category is about the best Feng Shui tips; how to combine Feng Shui with the Bazi; how to design with Feng Shui; Feng Shui luck boost and activation and Feng Shui case studies? These articles answer your questions on classical, traditional Feng Shui and see how it combines with Chinese astrology and your life.

Dog fancy halloween costume
Halloween…So much chills and excitement are conveyed in this word. And so here we are, somehow halfway between the Autumn equinox that was on the 27th of September (Zhōngqiū Jié,中秋節; also known as mid-autumn festival, mooncake or moon festival) and the Winter solstice (冬至, Dōngzhì) that will be on December the 22nd . Regardless of where you live, our societies […]

Halloween and hungry ghosts: East & West celebrations of the ...

Feng Shui Qi Men Dun Jia Dog month
Welcome back for another Chinese month, and a simple method to boost your Luck at that time. This method works by stimulating a Feng Shui sector of your home, or business at a specific time and day early on during the new Chinese month. Remember, a Chinese astrological month usually starts a week or so after the Western one. For […]

Feng Shui luck boost for the Dog month, October 2015.

QiMenDunJia september 2015
Here it is! A lot of you have asked me again for the Qi Men Dun Jia method to boost your luck each month and so these articles will be back regularly. Last month I was busy with learning how to build homes from natural materials, half-way between London and Brighton, but more on this later on…For now, Qi Men […]

Luck boost with Feng Shui & Qi Men Dun Jia ...

London Feng Shui conference may 2015
This year I was blessed into being invited to be one of the speakers at the prestigious UK Feng Shui Society conference. This 9th conference featured a very diverse range of speakers and subjects connected to Feng Shui. I gave a talk about my favourite topic of the Three Lucks, or how to put Feng Shui back in a spiritual […]

UK Feng Shui Society conference: a review and talks online

Feng Shui & natural homes London
I am thrilled to announce that I’ll give an introduction to Feng Shui as part as the worshop “Planning Your Dream Natural Building Home” run by Paulina Wojciechowska in London in August. http://earthhandsandhouses.org/natural-building-workshops/ I will myself take the three workshops given by Paulina this summer with the aim of blending Feng Shui principles and natural constructions further down the line. You can […]

Design your dream home. Feng Shui & natural building London ...

Feng Shui month luck boost.
The Yin Goat month just started on the 7th of July; it is therefore time to review which sectors you can activate in your home and business to boost your luck this month. For the complete explanation on this Chinese oracle that used to be a military technique and is nowadays used to boost business, health or love life, I […]

Boost your luck for the Goat month, July 2015

Feng Shui Bazi UK
Here is the article that I wrote for Kindred Spirit magazine, the leading publication in the UK on metaphysics and esoteric topics. This piece give you an insight in the 3 Lucks system, or how Heaven, Human and Earth factors all interact in your life and can be influenced by your Bazi, free will and Feng Shui setup. Enjoy!

Kindred Spirit: my article on the Taoist three lucks.

Feng Shui London Horse month
The Yang Water Horse month will start on the 6th of June 2015. Here are the Qi Men Dun Jia best directions to use for travel, or sectors to activate in your home in order to boost your luck this month. For the complete explanation on this Chinese oracle that used to be a military technique and is nowadays used […]

Boost your luck for the Horse month, June 2015

5 Elements Metal
The 5 Elements are a notion used very extensively in Feng Shui, Chinese astrology such as Bazi, Chinese medicine and in fact in every aspect of the traditional Chinese philosophy. This article aims at covering different aspects of the 5 Elements. We will see the shapes, colors, cycles but also placement, season and other layers. I hope you will enjoy […]

The 5 Elements guide. Part 1: What are the Feng ...

5 Elements Metal frame
Now that we have seen the 5 Elements attribute and cycles used in Feng Shui, Bazi and Chinese medicine, it is time to look into more advanced concepts. I invite you to read the first part here: what are the Five Elements. So let’s go deeper into the Rabbit hole. We are first going to see the 5 Elements cycle: […]

The 5 Elements guide. Part 2: the cycles of the ...

5 Elements Bazi
So here is the last article on our series on the 5 Elements concepts used in Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi Men Dun Jia, acupuncture, Chinese medicine and generally in the traditional Chinese system. You can read the part one on what are the 5 Elements and part 2 on the 5 Elements cycles. He Tu, Luo Shu: Feng Shui numerology. Finally, […]

The 5 Elements guide. Part 3: Feng Shui numerology, career, ...

London Feng Shui conference may 2015
A reminder that the UK Feng Shui society conference is in London this weekend: if you haven’t registered yet you can do it at the door.  This year there is a fantastic line up of speakers with subjects as diverse as Feng Shui and garden, the peach blossom factor in your home or feng shui cycles for your business. I […]

Feng Shui society conference London 9-10 May 2015.

The Yin Metal Snake month will start on the 6th of May 2015. Here are the Qi Men Dun Jia best directions to use for travel, or sectors to activate in your home in order to boost your luck this month. For the complete explanation on this Chinese oracle that used to be a military technique and is nowadays used […]

Luck boost for the Snake Month May 2015

Chinese astrology Metal Dragon
We are now in a new Chinese month, the Yang Metal Dragon , also known as Ren Chen, which started on the 5th of April 2015. Here are the Qi Men Dun Jia best directions to use for travel, or sectors to activate in your home in order to boost your luck this month. For the complete explanation on this Chinese […]

Boost your luck for the Dragon month April 2015

Feng Shui consultant London
My Chinese New Year event with the Virgin Money Lounge London went very well and here are some pics. On the 1st of February was the Feng Shui & Bazi for the year of the Wood Goat event; on the 2nd of February was the Feng Shui for Business 2015 event. We reviewed the auspicious and inauspicious sectors for the […]

Chinese New Year event with Virgin

Flying stars Year Wood Goat
On the 4th of February 2015 during the Horse hour (from 11am to 1 pm), we will officially start the year of the Yin Wood Goat, or Wood Sheep, or Wood Ram. Yes, it is not on the 19th of February: this is the date of the lunar start and of celebrations, but the shift of Chi is on the […]

Auspicious sectors, afflictions, flying stars for 2015

Year of the Chinese Goat/Sheep London
  UPDATE: SUNDAY EVENT NOW FULL. You can still register for the Monday event: Feng Shui for a successful business in 2015. Please email me directly to be on the guest list at: laurent@laurentlanglais.com To celebrate the coming of the year of the Yin Wood Goat/Sheep 2015, I am thrilled to invite you all to some exciting presentations on Feng Shui, Chinese […]

Wood Sheep 2015: Astrology, Feng shui & Chinese medicine at ...

This post aims at giving you a simple technique to start the Chinese New Year on the right foot, with some boost of luck in the first four days. It should work both on your personal life and business, if you have one. The technique is based on the Qi Men Dun Jia oracle, which tell us which sectors or […]

Boost your Luck for the start of the Chinese New ...