The 3 Lucks is a fascinating Chinese concept that explains the different influences at work within our lives. Simply put, it is the 3 influences that create your very own destiny. While 3 lucks might sound like a scratch card game, once you understand how it works and how you can use them you’ll be on your road to greater success and fulfilment. A path that gives you essential keys to understand and live an easier life in accordance to your blueprint and full potential.
Those 3 forces talk about the Why, When and Where of your life – which all relate the Who: that is YOU. Once you understand each of them you gain leverage on all aspects of your life. What are those 3 lucks, or 3 realms composing our lives? They are:
- Heaven luck
- Human luck
- Earth luck.
Using the right spiritual concepts
I’d like to make a point about wording and the notions used here. Chinese philosophy and metaphysics in its current state contains a lot of different notions from different school of thoughts. The initial works that are the foundation of Taoism/Daoism: the Tao te Ching or the writings of Chuang Tzu did not speak about reincarnation or karma. Those notions are more Buddhist and greatly influenced the Chinese philosophy too. Taoism however spoke of virtue and cycles still. Therefore in Chinese metaphysics:
- Some notions are Taoist: the 3 Lucks
- Some are Naturalist: the 5 Elements theory
- Some are Buddhist: karma, reincarnations…
- Some combined influences: Bazi astrology, Feng Shui…
And yet they all interact and inform each other in a consistent and beautiful system to explain our world and universe. So, in our current understanding of the 3 Lucks we are going to include notions that make a lot of sense to explain it: karma, the cycle of reincarnations, and astrology.
1. Heaven luck: the roads to…
The concept of Heaven luck refers to our fate programmed at birth. There is a mapping in all our lives, determined prior to our birth. Hence the concept of “Heaven” luck as this choice and programming is made in the spiritual realm. It doesn’t mean that we have no part in it: but it’s not free will either, as it is decided before our incarnation and written in a code that is our exact date of birth.
Heaven Luck is therefore the part played by the spiritual realm in our lives and the plan at birth. To me and others, this plan is best understood as determined by karma: past experiences given through a cycle of lives and reincarnations. This is the organising principle at birth: our accumulated karma at this point it time and the karma of our parents and family we are born into.
And so this date of birth is not random at all. It contains precious information, most notably a blueprint for your life called fate.
Fate is not destiny and it’s important to understand the difference. It is often used with a negative spin nowadays, like something one can’t escape. It is however a neutral term, that encompasses : the plan, the map and some important cosmic rendezvous planed through your lifetime. Fate is basically your playground in in this life. It is a map that includes borders. Once you know your map, you understand which path you can take. What are your chances to arrive quickly where you want to be if you don’t have a map? This is why it is so important to know this personal map you are born with. Your Heaven’s luck or fate is best red through any form of accurate astrology. Astrology is basically the reading of your own fate through your date of birth. And here I must add it’s not just a map, as it also includes your forecast for each decade of your life. So it is both your life map and your spiritual weather forecast. A realm of possibilities in time and space. Imagine now knowing your map and understanding your forecast…you can’t go wrong with this information!
The form of Chinese astrology that most accurately reads your fate is called: Bazi or the Four Pillars of destiny. Through your Bazi consultation, you will get to know your spiritual blueprint, your map, your possible life missions and your forecast to best inform your life decisions and take a path leading to more happiness than struggle.
To summarise : Heaven luck or the Heaven realm is made by the cosmic, spiritual forces that gives you a life blueprint, according to your karma. This blueprint contains your fate: your spiritual map and forecast for this life. All of this, as well as your strengths and challenges, your affinities, your skills, your possible life missions etc. are seen through your personal Bazi analysis. With this information read, you can then make informed choices. This is the free will part that takes us to the second luck, human luck.
Finally there is another part of the Heaven’s luck as I’ve previously alluded to. It is the help one can receive from the spiritual realm. Think along the lines of your ancestors, spirit guides, spirit animals, and any benevolent entity willing to cross the veil of reality to advise you and help you on Earth. All cultures believe that there is an invisible world helping us, where our ancestor rest and want us to thrive. They are right and in this case Heaven take its literal sense; they are in this good place and willing to assist us. Note that when using oracles that tap into the spiritual realm, such as tarot, Qi Men Dun Jia or Yi Ching, we are also using tools connecting with the Heaven realm and luck. We’ll talk about fate and destiny soon again and for now let’s explore Human’s luck.
2. Human luck: should I make a left or right turn?
With such a mapping of our lives as seen through Bazi astrology, you may think that you have no free will left. Far from it! In astrology and oracles, there is a always a question that comes back: was it meant to be, or up to you?
Well, the 3 Lucks here again provides us great insight. A short answer: it depends…And your free will luckily plays a big part here. On this topic, here is part of my interview for the fabulous online spiritual magazine Mystic Mag.
A very old and recurring question in astrology and similar practices is: What part is up to our astrology, and what part is up to our free will? The Chinese add a third component, so let’s go into detail.
Heaven is what you’re born with. If you believe in reincarnation, we don’t come back with a blank slate. We return with luggage and a passport, metaphorically speaking. This is our karma. Astrology helps us see this baggage—our boundaries, possibilities, challenges, and so on. Our birth date, which astrology maps out, isn’t random; it’s connected to the lessons we need to learn. This is the Heaven part. A simple traditional word for this is fate. Fate is what you’re born with, while destiny is a combination of factors.
Heaven also includes help you can receive from the spirit realm—your ancestors, spirits, and entities that can assist you. When we use Chinese oracles, we tap into Heaven for answers beyond everyday life. This encapsulates the Heaven part of spirituality.
Next, we have Earth. Earth is very interesting and specific to the Chinese system. Earth refers to where we live and its influence on us, starting with our house. This is where Feng Shui comes in, allowing us to change our Earth luck by altering our living environment. We’ve all experienced how moving into a new house or apartment can affect relationships, finances, and overall well-being.
But Earth extends beyond our house. It includes the karma, history, and energy of the city and region we live in. Cities like Berlin, Munich, Chicago, or New York have their unique karmic energies. Additionally, the culture and traditions of a country also play a role. Whether you embrace or walk away from your culture, it influences your destiny. We have tools such as Bazi (Chinese astrology) and astrocartography (in Western astrology) to help choose the best city or country for increasing luck in various aspects of life.
Finally, we have Human. Human is your free will—your actions and decisions that shape your destiny. Even if your Heaven luck and Earth luck aren’t optimal, your free will can improve your life through good karma and wise choices. The goal of my practice is to help clients understand their Heaven luck, improve their Earth luck, and ultimately guide their free will to make the best decisions.
Combining these three elements—Heaven, Earth, and Human—enables a more harmonious and prosperous life.
I invite you to read the full interview afterward: Unlocking the Secrets of the Taoist 3 Lucks with Laurent Langlais, Master of Feng Shui and Bazi astrology.
Human luck is therefore about choosing which path we take ( on the roadmap traced in our Heaven Luck) and how these decisions shape up our destiny. I’ve told you that destiny would come back, like the Terminator. So for now we can define destiny as: a path that is part of your map and that you’ve either decided to take, or ended up on.
Our life blueprint indicates some directions to make our life easier and some lessons to learn: but to take one path rather than another and to accept the journey is part of our free will. This is how we build up a different karma! Without free will there can’t be choices and without choices there is no karma, as karma is the sum of our actions and their spiritual consequences.
Traditionally a Taoist way was to be virtuous and live according to a code of conduct that recommended taking very limited actions. Not to encourage laziness or procrastination: rather, to not interfere with the perfect order of nature and attain Wu Wei, a perfect and effortless state of being in the natural flow of things. Nowadays our lives offer much more options and endless choices, which all transform our destiny. In old times, they did not have to choose everyday between fast food or a healthier diet, chat on Facebook or working, buying online, planning on holiday, changing careers…We have to make many more choices an therefore have more options and less pre-determination. As Uncle Ben says to Peter Parker: with more choices comes more karma. Wait, he actually rather said: With great power come great responsibility (which is known as the Peter Parker principle, for your nerds out there). You get the idea: more choices, more free will, more outcomes, more leverage on karma! Thanks Uncle Ben.
We now live in the time of instantaneity and our karma and destinies have transformed too: karma is now faster! Some events are written in stone in your fate and some others are a matter of choice. Most are a combination of both. Knowing which are which, through astrology forecasting, is a definite advantage in our society and for your life. Some examples of choices that will alter your destiny:
- Should you stay live in London or move to France?
- Which city is working best for your astrology?
- Is your timing right for a change of career?
- Which career actually suits you best
- Is this new love partner the most compatible for you? Should you follow him?
If you don’t know yourself and your fate, how can you make the best informed choices to change your destiny? Fate and free will work hand in hand to create your destiny. That is Heaven and Human luck. Once you know your Heaven Luck, you can generate a better Human Luck. There is however a third wheel in this beautiful system that interacts with Heaven and Human. It is called Earth luck.
3. Earth Luck: should I stay or should I go?
One last factor shaping up our lives is the influence of Earth luck. What is Earth luck? It is the influence of the places we live, but also of our traditions communities, and history…For now, let’s focus on space. The places where we live and work all have a specific energy and influence greatly our lives. There are some “lucky” or “cursed” house for example. To understand and correct them we have a fantastic leverage called Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the method that analyses and changes the Chi (or Qi universal life force) of our environment to give us the best soil to grow in, blossom and thrive. Feng Shui is part of the Earth luck.
For people whom are not aware of Feng Shui, it is not possible to understand how their lives and destiny are so heavily influenced by their home and work place. However all of us have seen very different outcomes after we moved into a new place. Suddenly your harmonious relationship started to become acrimonious; or you can’t save money anymore. You have a run of bad luck; lose a job. Or to the contrary get promoted and meet your dream partner. If any of those events happen in the next 6 months after you’ve moved into a new place, then this is also coming from the influence of your home. Feng Shui is the method to analyse and correct places; it is the Chinese medicine for buildings and therefore can create a much better Earth Luck in our lives. To understand more, please read my article on How Feng Shui works.
There are more Earth Lucks levels to account for:
- Your city and country own energy, astrology and influence (seen through astrocartography for example)
- Your nationality and its influence. Here let me remind you that French are the best, and I’m entirely unbiased
- Your ancestors and their influence is both part of Earth and Heaven realm
- Your family and its influence
- The community and traditions you are part of…
Basically if it relates to the soil (home, building, nationality), to where you live (city, community), or to the influence of a greater collective past on your life (ancestors, traditions): it is part of the Earth luck. If Heaven Luck is your map and weather forecast and Human Luck the path you chose to take; Earth luck is the actual territory you walk through and the people living there.
Through Earth’s luck logic, before you declare that a city does not work for you, make sure you analyse and transform your home with a good Feng Shui consultation first! It might be that London does not work for you at a city on a destiny level; but it might also be that you live with a subpar energy in your current home and that transforming with Feng Shui will create this deeper connection.
Here is a real life example for you: I once scouted for a suitable apartment (well, a flat) for me in London. Of course I always visited them with my Chinese compass, the Luo Pan, to see if they were compatible with my own Chi. One of the real estate agent then asked me what I was doing. Once I explained, he told me: I don’t know if I believe in this, but we have in the agency a home that we call “the divorce house”. 6 couples moved in, and all of them ended up divorcing afterward! And yet he was still not a believer in Feng Shui and the influence of places…go figure! Now, I guarantee that there are several Feng Shui problems with this house but also that the fate of those couples were going through a sensitive period. And yet they decided to move there, because they felt attracted. This is the 3 Lucks interacting together…
You don’t have to be a victim of this invisible Earth Luck. The great strength of Feng Shui is that properly designed, it works for you day after day. Once your home and business are harmonised, you already regain some control on your life and can focus on improving the rest. You can even benefit from monthly Feng Shui boosts, such as with my monthly luck activations that combine Heaven and Earth luck with Qi Men Dun Jia and Feng Shui.
4. Your map, your path and your territory
And so here we have it with the full combination: your map and forecast, the paths you decide to take on and the places and people you come across during this life hike. Heaven, Human and Earth lucks and your life journey. Your experience is going to be different depending on:
- How well you can read your map
- Knowing the weather forecast
- Adapting and deciding which road to take
- The places you’ll then go to and people you’ll meet
If you don’t read your map, you might get loss and waste precious time. If you take this challenging path, you might also twist your ankle. On this other road you could have taken, you’d ended up in a cosy shelter with three oSwedish hikers One of them would become your life partner. Just saying!
Those 3 powerful forces should not be considered separately as they endlessly interact with each others. We can now revise destiny by now integrating the third luck. Our destiny truly is the life journey we go through by reading our map and weather, deciding to take on a road and going through this certain territory at a specific time. You’ll meet some people and end up somewhere. It is a specific journey which, like all journey, changes the one who takes it. Now, do you want and easy-peasy and smooth journey, or one challenging and painful? If you have ever seen the excellent movie 127 hours, you can’t help to think: What would have happened to Aron Ralston if he didn’t take his mountain bike on that day? I let you watch the movie and ponder…

And so, dear Neo, which pill to now change your destiny? Blue or Red?
Image courtesy: Matrix, copyright of Warner Bros.
Let’s be practical now. You are about to choose a new house or apartment to live in. Your own timing is changing, as seen through your Bazi predictions. This means that the influence of your Heaven Luck brings a different vibe and possibilities already. This period is more challenging. Because of this different influence, you might end up choosing a nice house but with hidden Feng Shui problems. Problems that will resonate especially with your patterns and issues once you have moved into this new place…This home is a trigger for new life events and brings another road. You didn’t know you had a map (the Bazi/Heaven luck) and didn’t read it. Your timing and lack of awareness clouded your intuition. You ended up into a home that doesn’t bring you support, but that you could correct with the right Feng Shui. And so this new timing, choice and territory form a more difficult destiny for now. Yet all of this can be analysed, anticipated and changed for the better.
Before, during or after the events, you still have leverage with the 3 Lucks. Consider the following options offered to you.
- You get to know your Bazi, your possible options and the timing you go through
- You wait for your best months to scout for new homes to not make mistakes of judgment
- You audit each place with Feng Shui principles
- You correct the final place with a Feng Shui consultaton
Even in a more challenging period, you can now thrive because you have used Chinese metaphysics to positively change your destiny through the Heaven, Earth and Luck principles. Now, if only you could find a Feng Shui and Bazi consultant which expertise would give you all this information and tools to change your destiny…cough cough…Wait, don’t google, it’s me, come back! With my method of Raising your Chi, we’ll work on your Heaven, Human and Earth luck to manifest your full potential and best destiny and minimise the challenges.
- Your Heaven Luck: your Bazi to understand your fate at birth, your life mission and your personal timing,
- Your Human Luck: seeing your luckiest choices to beautifully change your life,
- Your Earth Luck: the right Feng Shui to design the right place for you and take you to the next level of love, career, income and harmony
It’s a team work really! I give you a diagnosis but also all the solutions: you have the power to change your fate and create a beautiful destiny for yourself, right here, right now through the 3 Lucks principles. This is why I use both Bazi and Feng Shui in my method.
Ready to get to know your secret self and to go for this fantastic change? Here, you can even go directly to my contact page to tell me what you need right now and how I can best assist you with Bazi, Feng Shui and selection of your best timing.