Feng Shui luck boost for the Goat month, July 2017. 2

Welcome back for your Feng Shui luck boost of the month. In this article I give you an activation to do at home (or in your business) to boost your luck and manifest more opportunities this month. Those activations combine an analysis of the spaces we live in (Feng Shui influences of the month and the year and Flying Stars) and a timing calculation (through the Qi Men Dun Jia oracle).

I basically determine when you have to stimulate a sector/room of your place on a specific day and time, to trigger a better luck in the following weeks.

In September, the free Feng Shui luck boost article will stop. However the great news is that it will then become part of the Feng Shui membership. This membership currently gives 3 extra Feng Shui Luck boosts to all members, each month. As the good luck accumulates, you should be able to raise your own energy and then see more career, money and relationship opportunities by doing those weekly activations. The luck boosts are mathematically calculated to be harmonious movements triggering some good luck in your life. Eventually they all form a symphony, week after week, that helps you to manifest the life that you really want.

So what are you waiting for? This subscription, called the Black Tortoise Membership is affordable, easy to join and works through the combination of the right Feng Shui and good timing. To start being simply follow the registration process on this page to access this exclusive monthly content.

Not sure you want a monthly subscription? Well this is your lucky day, as you can try the 3 Extra Luck Boost of this month by buying them in a PDF instead (with Paypal) here:

And now for your free Feng Shui luck boost of the month.

Chinese astrology Goat

The Goat month is on us. Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/152946836@N05/


Feng Shui activation for the Goat month of July 2017.

The Yin Fire Goat month starts on the 7th of July 2017 in the Chinese solar calendar. Your Feng Shui Luck boost is as follow.

Friday the 7th of July 2017

Southwest sector

ALWAYS take your local time.

If your country is under DST/summer time, the time to use is:

Time:  18:00 to 20:00 (6 pm to 8 pm).

If your country is not under DST/summer time, please use:

Time:  17:00 to 19:00 (5 pm to 7 pm).

This month activation will especially help to be noticed at work, with promotion and possible bonus.

And if you want more of those, join the Feng Shui membership…

How to do the Feng Shui activations?

The whole method to do those Feng Shui activations properly and step by step is now on this page. Please make sure you read it well..

If on top of doing those Feng Shui activations for good luck, you wish to convert your home or business through a Feng Shui consultation and get an easier life, contact me know to book yours: laurent@laurentlanglais.com

If you want to help me help you and for good karma, you can share my site with others. The way to do this:

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