Like every Chinese month, you can find on this blog a free Feng Shui method, easy to implement for a real luck boost every month. I am sharing here a technique to boost your monthly luck by activating a precise sector/direction in your house (or business) with the combination of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia oracle and sometimes monthly Flying stars. To not miss any of these Feng Shui & Bazi updates, please connect with me on Facebook and Twitter:
The Yin Water Snake month starts on the 5th of May and ends on the 4th of June 2016 (included). I am sharing first the dates and hours for the Feng Shui activation so you can find the info easily: then you can keep reading for the explanation of the method.
Tuesday the 10th of May 2016
Northwest sector, 5h to 7h (5am to 7am).
Put your fan or water feature in the Northwest sector of your home or business. The activation is from 5h to 7h in the morning on that day. Stop the fan or water feature after 7h.
As a reminder for some important rules:
- Always take your local time, not a corrected time
- The activations are done with a small fan in movement or a small indoor water fountain.
- Either shall be fairly active in the movement but not too noisy.
- Do not activate another way like knocking on your wall
- Finally we are not talking about FACING the direction with the feature but rather having the feature inside the room that located in this sector.
This Feng Shui & QiMen boost is this month excellent to shine in your career, socially and generally to be notice and admired. It is excellent if you have your own company, apply for a new job or have to make a speech in the following days. As this sector is however not good for the whole month (in QiMen), we don’t leave it on all the time…

The auspicious (blue) and challenging (red) sectors and directions with QiMen and Flying Stars for the Snake month. Copyright: Laurent Langlais.
Here is for the explanation of how those Feng Shui home activation works:
Find the center of your house, apartment or business. Go there with a compass. Let’s say we do this in an apartment located in Chelsea, London and you want to start experiencing Feng Shui with this method before you hire me for your consultation (I have put some light subliminal messages on this article). Look at the layout on the floor plan: find the centre of the flat. Go there with your compass. The compass indicates that the Northwest direction and sector is in the kitchen. So we’ll use a fan or water feature in this bedroom on Tuesday the 10th of May between 5h and 7h. Of course this is an example and your flat layout might differ in term of rooms placement and directions.
Those activations are just one example of how the right Feng Shui can boost your luck and give you more opportunities in life. Your home layout influences your relationship, wellbeing and career both positively and negatively. Your business layout can literally make or break your business.
Isn’t it time for a proper Feng Shui & Bazi consultation to help generate an easier life, with more opportunities and less struggle? Are you not tired to not know what the year will bring and to be a guinea pig of your environment? If you are, contact me now for a personalised Feng Shui and Four Pillar consultation in London or wherever you live, to give yourself a chance to improve your life for good!
As I am constantly doing business between London, Budapest and Paris, and so it is easier to contact me through my email: