Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Monkey month starting on the 7th of August 2017.
Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know the whole story about your overall life blueprint and personal tendencies for the year.
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Speak, hear and see no evil during the Monkey month, August 2017. Pic copyright:
12 signs Chinese horoscope for August/Monkey month
Let’s start with the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac = your year of birth. Remember that likewise, it is only 1/4 of your chart: the year Pillar. A Four Pillar Bazi chart is made of a year, month, day and time Pillar, not the year only. If you click on your sign’s name, you will also open your horoscope for this Rooster year 2017.
The Rat is in a weird conundrum. Under a Monkey month or year, you see support coming to your sign. This one is no different and you can get help from people, make new friends and go further in your work. However the Yang Earth of this Monkey month stops the Water from moving freely. So there are also blockage manifesting and people who oppose your will; they ask you to evolve and transcend. Expect minor hiccups if on holiday, and if at work don’t be too aggressive or ambitious. Your love life can however be good and single people of the sign have higher chances to meet.
The Ox will feel a sense of competition during this month, and might be a bit edgy about it. It applies to all domains in your life; if you are single for example and interested in someone, you might think that you stand little chances. At work, you could feel an increased sense of individualism. Relax a bit and try to go against this tendency, by offering to help and collaborate instead. This is how you will turn things around and manifest a better vibe for the month.
The Tiger is in a tricky position when the Monkey shows up. This month opposes your will and desires in any possible way. It is a time when you have to learn the virtues of “letting go” and surrender to the Universe’s plan for you. Avoid arguments at all costs and aim at being diplomatic and “zen”. Be also wary of not being too indulgent when it comes to food and partying, or you would “pay the price” the next days. It’s a time to do less and rest more, and not try anything too ambitious.
The Rabbit must evolve during this month. This year is not easy on you, but opportunities might show up at this time. For work especially, you could find something new to do or get new clients. However there is a “fish out the water” component for this work and you’ll might have to get out of your comfort zone through the month. If you don’t have to compromise your own morality, dare to take a chance still. If you are a single woman of the sign, you could get some attention through the month.
The Dragon can find some support in this Monkey month. It is a time to learn new skills and gather info. If your health has not been on top lately, you can find the right doctors or treatment at this time. Actually, it is the best time of the year to look into solving your problems one by one. There will be some up and downs through the month but also success if you are willing to do the work and stick with it. It might be upsetting for you to not go party hard and rather take care of yourself; but you could have a tremendous rest of the year if you focus on your balance right now. Some nice meeting could also happen for single men of the sign.
The Snake can use this month to find balance, like the Dragon. You can at this time reconcile your own paradoxes and find a lifestyle that works for you. If there were some struggles concerning your relationships, you can work more easily on them and fix what needs to be fixed. In other words if you are willing to do the work, you’ll see some results. Take advantage of this good vibe to improve your life and communication skills. For your love life it’s rather quiet, but next month has the potential to be good to you…
The Horse must be willing to change and to collaborate this month. If you do so, there is much to gain for you and you could lend some contract, have new opportunities and meet great people. You could be exactly in the right place and at the right time. If however you decide to be in a mindset that is “no one gets you, the whole world is against me”, the Universe will please you and serve what you want. So be willing to step out of your comfort zone and believe in the path unfolding, rather than try to stop it from happening. For single people it also looks promising and a meeting could happen, so be open to all possibilities.
The Goat should have a good month. Your social life is strong and you will be in situation to make new friends, and possibly new contacts that’ll be useful later on. If you are working and freelancing, it is an ideal time to network, present your work, go on fairs etc. If you are an employee, be a team worker and you’ll get recognition for your efforts. While this vibe doesn’t scream “love at first sight”, it also helps to enhance your charisma and to meet people. Aim at trying new things and go a bit out of your comfort zone to evolve: for example a new task at work, a new destination or a new sport during your holidays. A bit of adventure should trigger new feelings and idea.
The Monkey is in its month, which is usually a recipe for odd situations and a lot of introspection. The Yang Earth doesn’t help either by blocking some of your energy and initiatives. Be willing to adapt and change your plans if necessary and accept the disruption with a smile, because there is probably no way to control it whole this month. Even if you are on holidays, you are going to reflect on your life and personality and wonder where to go next. The time is not right to take decisions so go slow and wait to have more information, and options. If you are in couple, let your partner decide for you as arguing are not recommended right now…
The Rooster should feel a push despite the holiday period. You could be reevaluating your life and see which cards you have in your hands. You want to change direction but struggle to see how and what to do. Take things one at a time, as you need a plan. The second half of the year that starts right now will help you to do your psychoanalysis and see what you want and don’t want anymore. This month in particular will have you think about your family and its dynamics. Try to vent of a bit and relax, no need to overthink for now…
The Dog is in its element this month. This month and the way it plays in this year tends to make you popular and successful in what you do. People want to be in your company and believe anything you say. If you are looking for work or for extra work, this is an ideal configuration. If you want to have a vibrant social life, it is also good. Interesting meeting could happen under such influence and a flirt or more is not out of question. Enjoy this good period in whatever you do: it is ideal to make great friends on holidays, and also good to push for your own projects and to advance in your work.
The Pig is blocked this month. It feels like nothing produces the results that you want. You are likely to try a bit too hard so you should relax and wait for a bit month for your sign. This logic applies to many areas of your life: at work you might not be acknowledged for your efforts, and in love you might feel that you don’t get enough attention. If you see doors closing, don’t keep banging on each of them; new ones will open later on. The next month is also a bit hard on you so you might really want to chill and accept your fate for now, until the wave turns…
Now we move to the Bazi tendency if you know your day master. If not, now is the time to order your personalised Bazi analysis and report…
For the Yang Wood (Jia), expect to face some difficult people. Not everyone is on the same wavelength as you this month: discussions could go nowhere and projects might be changed. At work, it can be a frustrating time when you don’t meet your goal. On holidays, you’ll have to be diplomatic and let others decide of the schedule for you. In such time it is easier for you to surrender and go with the flow, and then good things could happen…
For the Yin Wood (Yi), it is actually a great month. Everything seems to go your way. You can find opportunities to make more money if you look for them. You can also advance in your work and be noticed for your efforts. If you are on holidays, expect to be popular and in demand. Your love life could also get interesting…The trick for all those good aspects to manifest is for you to be flexible, willing to accept proposals and go on an adventure. All things that you know how to do; but you might have lost a bit of self-confidence during this difficult Rooster year unfolding. Be confident in this month as it is a good one.
For the Yang Fire (Bing), there is too much to do and you have a hard time to relax. You don’t seem to be in a the holiday mood when the month starts…It is likely that you have too much energy to spend and are a bit lost for direction. However the month will bring good success in all your endeavors: it seems that doors open naturally and that nothing can actually stop you. So focus on what matters the most to you at the moment – work or your private life – and take the leadership, and it will work out well.
For the Yin Fire (Ding), it could be a challenging month, unless you are willing to evolve. By all means, you have to try new experiences this month. Take on a new work project, go to a country you know nothing about, and give chances to new people. If you have been procrastinating on some necessary steps to implement within your life, make the change now…In that case you will blossom and have good experiences. If however you resist changes and say no to new opportunities, or refuse to change your habits, you are likely to miss an important train and would feel sorry afterward. Don’t try being a control freak right now and just say yes to most proposals: see where it takes you…
For the Yang Earth (Wu), it’s a month of hardship. It’s very much “no pain, no gain” for you at this time and to get where you want to go. Is it worth all those efforts? Maybe you should relax and take it easy for a while, and wait for an easier time. The month also brings a paradox for you: you can meet like-minded people, but at the same time you want isolation and to think by yourself. It’s not the right time to go into your shell, try to vent of and socialize a bit more instead…
The Yin Earth (Zi) is in a good position this month. You are seen as essential to work projects and should be in demand, in all areas of your life. You can make extra money if you try and generally people will turn to you right now. Be willing to help your friends and family if some calls needs to be answering. Take advantage of this good month to socialize and network and be open to the new possibilities unfolding…
The Yang Metal (Geng) is a bit uncomfortable during this month. You feel a push to know that you have to change your habits and lifestyle, but might struggle to yet reform your psychology. Still, you have to take care of yourself, especially if your health has given you warning signs. Maybe there is a way to live more softly and without going for extremes all the time (tip for you: yes there is).
The Yin Metal (Xin) is between the anvil and the hammer. You are a bit lost, a bit stuck with your options right now. You feel your potential and desire for changes, but are unsure of what to do next. Do you really know what you want in life? If so, are you working actively to get it, or just hoping for the best? This is a time when you can redefine your goals and start to align them with your life. The rooster Qi that awakens right now will bring a lot of introspection and it starts this month…
The Yang Water (Ren) are in a difficult situation this month. The Yang Earth blocks you, and you might be hitting a few walls: in your love life, at work…It seems that nobody “gets you” and that your initiatives don’t go anywhere for now. When such blockages appear, they are meant to help you think on how you do things. If you need to change the course of your actions – let say, get a healthier and more balanced lifestyle or balance work and private life – you better think of it when those walls appear. It is likely that those temporary obstacles will benefit you eventually.
The Yin Water (Gui) should rise to the occasion. This month could give you a golden opportunity: it could have to do with a new job or a new task at work, to give a public presentation, or simply to assist important people. It is also a time when any spiritual experience will be stronger and more meaningful: you might want to explore a retreat or some workshop with the right teachers right now, or do a vision quest on your own. Lastly it is a good vibe for single people who want to meet someone; if you are already in a couple, it also helps you to deepen your feelings or patch things up. A good month!
I take great pleasure into writing this general horoscope;however, there is nothing more exciting than working one to one with you and tell you what I see in your Bazi and astrology. To show clearly your patterns, your greater call and your potential, and how you can awaken it. To explain why you are experiencing those challenges and where you can go as soon as you integrate the needed life lessons. Reading a Bazi and delivering those messages is always a very humbling and graceful moment, and I am very blessed to be a messenger whenever you need to find your directions in life. The testimonials on this page and on my Linkedin profile speak for themselves…
So why don’t you contact me now to work on your present and future? Send me an email using: and explain to me what you need, and we’ll go from there…
With love and light,
Laurent Langlais
Feng Shui Master & astrologer
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