Chinese astrology Bazi Rat
Finally, here are the predictions for your Bazi and Chinese signs. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me now to know what 2016 will bring you for career, money, adventure and love! Part 1: The Fire Pig month in review and Part 2: Bazi world predictions for December 2015 are online. […]

Chinese astrology for the Earth Rat month 2015. Part 3: ...

Bazi chinese astrology Rat.
This Rat month is going to be interesting and eventful again. Like at other times during this Wood Goat year 2015, at its heart is a clash of Elements. It is a Yang Earth Rat month. The stem is Wu, the solid Yang Earth of mountains and boulders and the branch is Zi, the Rat, the peak of the Water […]

Chinese astrology for the Earth Rat month 2015. Part 2: ...

Chinese astrology Fire Pig
The darker side of the Yin Fire is that it can start a Fire that will spread, and so with the Wood forming the Fire can run amok, even inside a normally watery month. Water is too little to stop it this month…And so, despite the Yin nature and apparent benevolence of a Yin Fire Pig, there will occasional surges […]

Chinese astrology for the Earth Rat month 2015. Part 1: ...

Home Feng Shui luck
Welcome back to my monthly Feng Shui blog. I am sharing here an easy method to boost your luck for the whole month by activating a precise sector and direction in your house (or business) with the combination of Feng Shui and the Qi Men Dun Jia oracle. The Yang Earth Rat month starts on the 7th of December and […]

Your Feng Shui luck boost for the Rat month! (7/12/2015 ...

Fire Pig month predictions
Finally, here are the predictions for your Bazi and Chinese signs. Part 1 of this Yin Fire Pig month analysis for November 2015 can be found here and part 2 here. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know […]

Bazi for the Yin Fire Pig month. Part 3: animals ...

Fire Pig Bazi
Here is for part 2 of our Bazi analysis for November 2015. Part 1 can be found here. What is the Chi of this new Ding Hai Chinese month and what can be guess on the state of the world this month then? The Yin Fire, that is akin to a candle, is this month sitting on top of the […]

Bazi for the Yin Fire Pig month. Part 2: Chinese ...

Bazi Pig Dog 2015
Here we are, on the first day of this new Chinese month of the Yin Fire Pig, known as Ding Hai. Welcome back for another analysis of the Stem and Branch of the Chinese month, a system similar to the one used in Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny analysis. By understanding the celestial and earthy Chi at work each month, and […]

Bazi for the Yin Fire Pig month. Part 1: the ...

November 2015 Feng Shui
Welcome back for another Chinese month, and a simple method to boost your Luck! This method works by combining the oracle known as Qi Men Dun Jia and Feng Shui: we basically activate a sector/direction of your home (or business) at a specific time and day early on during the new Chinese month. Remember, a Chinese astrological month usually starts […]

Your November 2015 Luck boost with Feng Shui & Qi ...

Dog fancy halloween costume
Halloween…So much chills and excitement are conveyed in this word. And so here we are, somehow halfway between the Autumn equinox that was on the 27th of September (Zhōngqiū Jié,中秋節; also known as mid-autumn festival, mooncake or moon festival) and the Winter solstice (冬至, Dōngzhì) that will be on December the 22nd . Regardless of where you live, our societies […]

Halloween and hungry ghosts: East & West celebrations of the ...

Dog month Bazi predictions
Welcome to part 3 of this article on the Yang Fire Dog month, that takes place from the 8th of October to the 7th of November 2015. You can find the part 1 on what happened during the Yin Wood Rooster month here, and part 2 about my Bazi predictions for the world here. Ok! So now, in term of our […]

Bazi predictions, Yang Fire Dog month. Part 3: Chinese signs ...

Chinese astrology Bazi Dog Sheep
Welcome back for part 2: time to analyse this Yang Fire Dog month and to see what it has in store for us. Remember that we are using the luni-solar calendar and the time system and method known as Bazi, our Four Pillars of destiny. This advanced form of Chinese astrology work with the notion of Stems and Branch, one […]

Bazi world predictions, Yang Fire Dog month. Part 2: cute ...

Bazi Rooster Dog month
Here we are! On the 8th of October started the new Chinese month of the Yang Fire Dog. A very different animal from last month, and with the return of the Fire so close to the winter season, we can expect interesting things to manifest…But first, let’s review the previous month in regard to my Bazi/Chinese astrology predictions, and see […]

Bazi world predictions, Yang Fire Dog month. Part 1: review ...

Feng Shui Qi Men Dun Jia Dog month
Welcome back for another Chinese month, and a simple method to boost your Luck at that time. This method works by stimulating a Feng Shui sector of your home, or business at a specific time and day early on during the new Chinese month. Remember, a Chinese astrological month usually starts a week or so after the Western one. For […]

Feng Shui luck boost for the Dog month, October 2015.

Natural plaster sand.
This post is for you who are curious: how to build a house made of straw bales and adobe, and how can it stand and last? Well, I’ve got the chance to try this summer and wanted to share this experience in natural building with you. In August I went a bit quiet on social medias, and for a good reason. I was […]

Natural building: staw bales, adobe and Feng Shui!

Rooster month Goat year
After a summer break, spent for me in travelling around Europe and learning to build natural homes (more on this later on), I welcome you back to this monthly Bazi/Chinese astrology blog. We are going to keep having a look at the energy of each Chinese month and see what the Stem and Branch of the month means in term […]

Chinese astrology: Bazi predictions for the Rooster month

QiMenDunJia september 2015
Here it is! A lot of you have asked me again for the Qi Men Dun Jia method to boost your luck each month and so these articles will be back regularly. Last month I was busy with learning how to build homes from natural materials, half-way between London and Brighton, but more on this later on…For now, Qi Men […]

Luck boost with Feng Shui & Qi Men Dun Jia ...

London Feng Shui conference may 2015
This year I was blessed into being invited to be one of the speakers at the prestigious UK Feng Shui Society conference. This 9th conference featured a very diverse range of speakers and subjects connected to Feng Shui. I gave a talk about my favourite topic of the Three Lucks, or how to put Feng Shui back in a spiritual […]

UK Feng Shui Society conference: a review and talks online

Feng Shui & natural homes London
I am thrilled to announce that I’ll give an introduction to Feng Shui as part as the worshop “Planning Your Dream Natural Building Home” run by Paulina Wojciechowska in London in August. http://earthhandsandhouses.org/natural-building-workshops/ I will myself take the three workshops given by Paulina this summer with the aim of blending Feng Shui principles and natural constructions further down the line. You can […]

Design your dream home. Feng Shui & natural building London ...